Friday, October 5, 2012


I know this is a difficult subject for most people so lets keep it simple, SODA/POP (whatever you call it) IS A TREAT!! There are so many extra calories and sugars in drinks you could easily consume more calories each day in drinks than you should eat in a 24 hour period. Yes diet drinks have no calories and sugar BUT (yes it's a big but) it has artificial sweeteners that are even worse for your body. I love soda just as much as the next gal and I do still drink it in moderation. I think it would be better for me to have a cup of soda then 2 pieces of chocolate cake. So when I'm getting a sweets craving I normally eat a piece of fruit or get a cup of soda to satisfy it. My favorite is Diet Caffeine Free Coke, but I don't drink it very often and I don't have much of it! Now a days it is impossible to eat everything clean (clean meaning completely fresh and free of preservatives and artificial sweeteners), you would have to dedicate a lot of time, money, and will power. Which personally I love food and want to enjoy what I eat. So every once in a while its OK to have a treat. The important part is don't make a habit out of it! If you can't function each day with out your morning caffeine, that is probably a good sign it is not good for your body and you NEED TO CUT the habit! I swear there is a soda/pop addiction in my family. Everyone drinks either Mountain Dew or Coke everyday. So I understand how hard it is to cut this habit. Its not easy I compare it to doing drugs because it truly can become an addiction.  Good luck and you can do it because you ARE worth it!!! 

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